My small shopping in bolexiang ❤❤❤

Some time ago i  made an order in bolexiang for fanbooks that I wanted to buy. Of course few of them were on "preorder" so i musted to wait to 30.08. After that time book were send to me :3 I waited 2-3 weeks and my order arrived to me! I was incredibly happy and it was like openinig chrismas present ❤  In my "chrismas present" i found this: 

I really wanted these 3 books. About this blue one i thinking little longer but at the end i decided to buy it also. The last  and the biggest one is really beatiful. I was prepared that books and art from milkcar are amazing but in this one she passed herself. More about this book i say in review :)

❤Fanbooks artist: Aki, milkcar, MeLay and ziling ❤

Btw I planing make another order for fanbooks in  bolexiang. This time order for 5 books in which  2 are books from Aki :3

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